Sunday, December 27, 2009

Indoor Soccer

My friends, who just so happen to also be my Visiting Teachers, play on an Indoor Soccer team. My friend Sara has been wanting to blog about Indoor Soccer, but is never able to get a picture because A. She is playing and it would be VERY difficult to get a picture of herself on the field and B. She is the goalie, and darn good at it. The Goalie is pretty hard to replace! Anyhow, she thought I would like the experience with "Action/Sports" photography and asked if I would like to take some pictures of their team. "Of course" was my response! I was so excited and up for the challenge. The day before Sara called me I had just finished my lesson on Sports and Action, so, I felt the need to find a sporting event. It was perfect timing on Sara's part!

Before I left with "the team," I played around with my camera, changed the ISO number as well as the Shutter Speed, and once I got to the building, I double checked my numbers. I didn't use a flash and I had my 28-75mm f/2.8 lens. Now that I have a telephoto lens (thanks Justin for such a surprise Christmas gift. My 28-75mm was an early Christmas gift and I thought my BIG gift. I was shocked to find another lens under the tree!) I would love to come and take more pictures Sara and Alyce (hint hint!!!).

The reason I really NEEDED a telephoto lens! If you can make out this picture, Sara is on the ground, saving an amazing ball from going into the goal. After the game, I was talking to Sara and noticed she had a pretty good sized scratch on her face. The other team basically ran over her.
I was so excited to get THIS shot! I actually got about 4 of these shots! Alyce "yelling" at the ref. Or at least, that is what it looks like!
This is a girl named Spring on their team. They have a Spring and a Season on the team. Spring is pretty dang good!
My friends and visiting teachers: Sara, in white, and Alyce in red.
"The Trash Talkers!"
Alyce competing with her 16 year old opponent. I would FREAK if I was running up against a spry 16 year old.
Alyce and I both agreed this picture would be perfect for the ROT (Rule of Thirds.). The Soccer ball is just about in perfect position for the intersecting lines. I did NOT plan it whatsoever!
Alyce in deep concentration!

Team Reflection

To be honest, I felt very lazy and fat watching these ladies run their booties off! After watching them run around for the evening, I felt as if I had ran a marathon myself. Therefore, when I was dropped off, I poured myself a big fat bowl of sugary cereal and sat on the couch. I was pooped!

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