Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The best slide yet!

By Friday afternoon, Trey was feeling much better, so I bundled him up in about 4 layers, got on his sweet new snowboarding pants, and we set out to play on his snow slide. We were so surprised with this snow, we haven't purchased a sled. So what did we use: a deflated beach ball! (Justin's slick idea!)
Two nights prior Justin had poured water down the slide to make it more slick, and you could really tell what a difference that water made! Trey loved the new slide, snotty nose/icky ears and all! Justin got home just in time to see the Trey-man in action!

1 comment:

Travis and Marie said...

that looks like a lot of fun. Also, what is Steve and Barry's? I've never heard of it.