Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Trey had a Choice!

Trey's choice was to eat breakfast, or take a bath! Of course, it was to take a bath, he hates to eat, he is picky, and quite frankly, eating takes up too much of his time! Today we were off to Miss Michelle's house, and I am grateful he wanted a bath. He needed one, and I never want to have THAT kid that smells, is dirty, or is the talk of daycare! So, after his bath, I wrapped him up in his favorite bathrobe, and started getting his clothes ready for the day. He wasn't about to take off his bathrobe, and after fighting to put his clothes on, he wanted to put his bathrobe OVER his clothes.

Look at that major 'tude and stinky-eye!!!

Then, in a blink of an eye, I swear, he turned into our dog Cooper. After we give Cooper a bath, he does what we call the "crazy run." He runs around the house as if trying to dry off. THAT is what Trey did. He ran from room to room, trying to either dry off or make me dizzy!

One might think I had all the time in the world, searching for my crazy child from room to room- I do NOT! That crazy boy never stops!

A co-worker the other day asked if Trey is "just as mellow as he used to be." I looked at her and laughed (I now hope she didn't take offense to me laughing in her face!) I said, "I think he saved all of his energy up his first 18 months of life and is now using it as if he is going to go empty!"

Needless to say, we lost the bathrobe and Trey went to Miss Michelle's home!

Trey chewing gum-his all time favorite hobby


Sara said...

Thanks for leaving me a comment, I had forgotten that you had a blog too! I'll have to link it to mine...Trey man is sure a cutie!!

JD said...

I LOVE the picture with the stink-eye!!