Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The night owl screams!

EARLY 1.10.08
Trey woke up at 3:00 am screaming and crying. He only wanted to be held UPRIGHT and rocked. I knew he wasn't feeling well, but this was SOOOOOOOOO not like the sweet little Trey-Man we know and LOVE!

He finally calmed down and went to bed around 5:00 am and slept in for quite some time.

In the morning, he seemed great and dandy until he stuck his finger into his left ear. "What is THIS," he asked. I looked into his ear and what do I find, a pool of liquid. WWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT?

I gave him a bath and quickly called his Ears, Nose and Throat doctor who informed me that his tubes are working as they should, and he has an ear infection. (Hence, the nasty green nose two days prior, (check out the pictures of him in the snow, GREEN nose!) and the upset tummy the day prior!) We were to tie him down and shoove ear drops in his ears. (Just kidding, Dr. Beck did NOT tell us to tie him down, but the ear drops was true!) He hates the ear drops and I never know if they really get where they are supposed to.

So, off to Wally-World to pick up a new kind of ear drops and in search for a "duck toy." Bribery works well with the Trey-Man, and I told him he could pick out a toy to play with while we administer to his ears THREE times a day for at LEAST three days. So, a "duck toy" it was! (when we couldn't find even a TUB DUCK TOY, he settled on a set of 3 safari figurine animals! A Giraffe, an elephant, and something called a KUDU! I was on the phone with my friend Abbey at the time Trey picked out his toy and I said, "What the heck is a KUDU?!" She didn't have a clue either! It is some kind of African Antelope!) So, the toys worked and he was pretty cooperative!

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