Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tian's 4 Month Dr. Appointment

Weight 15# 6.5 oz 55%
Length 26 inches 85%
Head 41.5 cm 35%

I had a few questions for Dr. Archibald. One was about Tian's head. I have noticed a flatter spot on his head that is driving me nuts. He sleeps on his sides, he is barely ever on his back, but with everything I have tried, his head remains a little on the flatter side of things.

Dr. Archibald didn't think anything of it. (I think I am just paranoid!) He did say that we could do something in 2 months with a plastic surgeon AND "helmet therapy" (no thank you! I know the plastic surgeon in town that deals with "flat head syndrome" and he isn't the greatest, AND his boob jobs are terrible. YES, besides helping pediatric patients, he "specializes" in breast augmentation. WHATEVER!) and I told Dr. Archibald "no way." I suggested we see a physical therapist named "Pat" who was phenominal with Trey when he was born and Dr. Archibald said, "go for it!" THAT is what I LOVE about Dr. Archibald. He suggests what he has been "taught" to suggest, but he ALSO listens to his patients and their parents.

So, off to Pat we will go!

Second, I addressed Tian's ongoing Spit Up habit. Come on Tian, enough is enough. Dr. Archibald suggested putting 1 tablespoon of Rice Cereal per 1 ounce of formula. I thought it would be worth a try. (We tried it and it didn't seem to do a thing.)

Thirdly, could Tian be teething? His hands are ALWAYS in his mouth, he is drooling like a champ, AND he is playing with his bottom gums with his tongue. Could he be actually getting teeth? NO Dr. Archibald assured me. Dr. Archibald said those were ACTUALLY signs of teething. Well, whatcha know! He suggested us trying solid foods! With Trey, I waited until he was at least 6 months and I think I waited way too long. He is the pickiest eater EVER! So, after our appointment, I went out, got some Rice and Oatmeal cereal, bought the cutest bibs and spoons ever, and set out to have an adventure with baby food! (more on that later!)

Fourth, Dr. Archibald warned me about constipation. Who likes to deal with that? NO ONE! So, he told me to use "P" foods for POOP!

So, while at the store, I picked up a jar of each of these, just in case! (Tian is so stinkin' (no pun intended!!!) regular, I highly doubt we will have to deal with the "C" word anytime soon!

Dr. Archibald suggested the book "Goodnight, Sleep Tight" for "Sleep Training." He has three children, the first two are horrible sleepers, he said this book was a miracle for their third. (another reason I love this doctor. He is young and has actual KIDS our kids ages! LOVE THAT! Our first pediatrician with Trey wasn't married and didn't have kids. It was hard to believe anything he said considering I knew he hadn't tried any of his techniques he preached.)

All in all, Tian is a very healthy boy who keeps growing and smiling beyond measure. Dr. Archibald kept commenting on Tian's big smiles! He loved them, AND, so do I! We love you Mr. T!

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