Friday, May 21, 2010

tian's loves

Tian has many loves, two of which are his pacifier (his "baba") and a drink. He loves water and usually drinks more then one cup of water after nap time.

These are just a few pictures of him and his favorite things, mingled with some silly shots of Tian being Tian!

Which of these two will Tian be losing within a few short weeks? Stay tuned!

Terrible picture quality, but I thought this was a silly face of Tians. He wanted his picture taken and sat right on my lap. The only way to take a picture of him at that point was to hold the camera out in front of him and shoot for the best, no pun intended. Definitely not the best in my opinion!

I love how Tian sticks his tongue out for multiple reasons. To demonstrate he is hungry, in concentration, and to be silly are all reasons for that tongue to put on a show!

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