The blessings of working for an imaging facility: They are always in need of an experimental rat, willing to give of their body and time for the pure love of science.
Our new facility, The Eagle Health Plaza, was needing ACR accredidation and Mike, my ultrasound tech friend was looking for specific exams to submit. One of which was a 3rd Trimester OB. 3rd Trimester OB scans are very rare, no one usually needs an in depth scan in their 3rd Trimester. So unfortunately, he didn't have one to submit. The deadline was coming close and he still didn't have one, so he asked me. I JUMPED at the opportunity, gladly giving of my fetus and uterus for the sake of our company! Mike invited Trey and Justin to come, and at the end, he rewarded me with some yummy body butter, for those stretch marks of course, from the Body Shop. I just love Mike!
For the "diagnosis" of this scan, Mike said I was "small for dates." Meaning, my stomach was measuring WAY too small for my actual due date. He submitted that diagnosis to be nice, but as you can see by these pictures, I am no where near "too small!"
And, another joy of working at an imaging center: your son can ride a stool throughout the ER department!
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