Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sarah's Endowment

I was so excited to be invited to Sarah's Endowment and wouldn't have missed it for the world.

**A preview of Sarah's wedding pictures thanks to her amazing sister-in-law Rachel**

Sarah and her sister Rachel moved into our ward about 5 years ago and I loved having them in our Young Womens. At the time, we had 5 or 6 young women in our whole program, and these two sisters brought such a spunk and spirit! I really grew close to Sarah and always marveled at what strength and testimony she had for such a "young" woman! To see her take such an important step in her life, and to be invited to join her in such an event, was amazing. I felt completely honored and privledged to join her and her family!

I worked that day until about 4:50, got dressed quickly,at work, into a dress that I realized I had grown out of (LOVE that! I don't ever remember having that experience with Trey!)and headed over to the Boise Temple for Sarah's 6:30 Endowment Session. I didn't want to be late, I was by far the first person there, but I didn't mind. It was nice to sit in the temple and just think!

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