Saturday, September 6, 2008

Days Leading to Tian's Birth

Tian was due 9.25.08. After working 2 days, 18 hours total, I thought I was going to die. On the 9th of September, my great friend and co-worker Sonya scanned little Tian for a weight. The scan showed Tian weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces; give or take 18 ounces. I could have a monster child, or a very small child. During the scan, I became very sick and thought to myself, "This month is not going to be getting any better!" I went home and just complained all night. I tried to explain to Justin what my pelvis felt like.

I told Justin it felt like Hulk Hogan was pulling my Obturator Foramen apart. (this means really nothing to Justin, other than possibly a good WWF fight between Hulk and my insides.) The two small circles or openings at the bottom of this pelvis, near my femur bones, are the obturator foramenaes. Justin's response to my description was, "Ew, ouch." I could see sympathy in his eyes. After a horrible night sleep, my mother called and asked how my night with "The Hulk" was. I responded, "Miserable."

The next day was another one of my appointments with good old Timmy (Dr. West) and he asked first thing, "How are things going?!" I said, "Dr. West, if I go another 15 days, you might find me jumping off a bridge. I don't think my pelvis can take this any longer." I explained the whole Hulk Hogan prying my obturator foramen apart, he knew EXACTLY what I was talking about (us medical personnel think alike!) Dr. West then said the most comforting comment I have heard, "Well, would you like to have this guy any earlier?" I just about choked. This has never been offered to me, EVER! I thought I would have to be on my death bed or 1 week overdue in order to receive this wonderful reward. But no, Dr. West, the bestest most considerate doctor in the world offered me an induction as if it was a piece of gum. I took the offer, gladly and we set it up for the 16th of September. I called my mom, after some arranging, she was able to make plans to be here on the 15th, to stay with Trey while Justin and I checked into St. Luke's Downtown Boise at 6am on the 16th! D-day!!!

Thank you, Thank you Dr. West for making my year. I knew you were the best, but I now know you will forever hold a special place in my heart!!!!

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